Once an order is cancelled and/or refunded, the refund amount will be reflected in your original form of payment within 3-5 business days, depending on your bank's processing time.
If you do not see your refund within this timeframe, please reach out to us by logging into your Reebelo account, locating the order under "My Orders" and clicking the "Help". Follow the prompts to submit a ticket to us. We aim to respond to all tickets within 48 hours.
If you're wondering why the refund takes so long to arrive, please note that this is not unique to Reebelo but rather a symptom of the global banking system.
In general, when you buy anything with a credit or debit card, the merchant's bank/payment processor will check with your card's bank to ensure that you have the funds available in your account. Your bank will then put a hold on the account for the amount, this is called the authorization. The authorization is what makes it appear as if the charge hits your card immediately. The merchant's bank then needs to settle the transaction, which is done in batches by the payment processor. Settlement times may vary from merchant to merchant. The settlement process can take up to 72 hours. Once the funds are sent from your bank to the merchant's bank, the settlement appears on your statement, the funds are withdrawn and the authorization in cancelled. The merchant's bank updates their account to show that the funds have been received, which can take up to 24 hours. At this point, up to 5 business days have passed and the transaction is complete.
When a refund occurs, the process is the same but done in reverse. The way the credit/debit card system is designed, charges appear immediate due to authorizations. The authorization is a courtesy to show you how much you owe in pending transactions so you don't overdraw your account. In the background, it takes time for the receiver of the payment get their money. It has to be this way so the credit/debit card system can work within the regulations and processes in place for bank-to-bank account transfers.