You can easily track your order, receive assistance for returning a device, generate an invoice and contact our support team by setting up your account with the email address that you used to purchase your device.
If you are having trouble logging in and don't recall creating an account, please first try resetting your password by entering the email you used during checkout. Once you've reset the password, try logging in with the password and email.
There are 2 methods to log into your account.
Method 1
On the home page, click "Sign in" on the top right hand corner.
There will be a pop up where you will be able to insert the email you have registered with before and the password to login.
Note: You may be able to set up an account post purchase using the same email that you have used for ordering and you will be able to see your previous orders there.
If you have forgotten your password, you can click "Recover Password".
Method 2
You can click the direct link here and the page will appear as below:
You then can proceed to insert the email you have registered with before and the password to login.